What Everyone Ought To Know About Beats or Rhythm?
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What Everyone Ought To Know About Beats or Rhythm?


What Everyone Ought To Know About Beats or Rhythm?

Imagine sitting on a porch with a cup of tea/coffee and music in the background. Relaxing, isn't it? This is the magic of music; it soothes us by even thinking about it. Music and dance may seem simple to us commoners. However, an artist knows the n number of layers and complexity involved in creating and presenting soul-soothing art.

There is a common thing about music and dance - Beats or Rhythm!

Beats are the basic unit of time. It helps the musicians to be in sync with each other. In simple words, beats make you clap your hands or stomp your feet along with the music.

Beats are usually associated with percussion instruments. But how is a beat important in music and dance? Let's see that:

  1. Without them, it would be difficult to tell how fast to play a song.
  2. A beat is vital for dancers to sync their dance with the music.

Beats is a significant part of music or dance, which makes or breaks a performance. Experts at Antara believe that a few tips and tricks ensure an artist find the beat every time they perform to give a spectacular performance.

  1. As a dancer, listen to the tempo at the beginning of a song/music you would be performing; it gives an idea about the rhythm of the music.
  2. Lyrics and melodies have regular intervals/spaces in delivery to inhale breaths. These phrases enable us to check whether we are dancing in sync with the song/music.
  3. Lyrics are also essential to stay on beat. The Rasa (emotional state) used in the song synchronises with the steps and poses.
  4. As a musician or a singer, beats play a significant role to sync the bhava (feelings) and the timing and speed of the music piece. Hence, it is necessary to get control over the beat. To do this, one can relisten songs and use tapping or clapping.
  5. Subdivide the beats into smaller beats; this helps in staying on beat.

Even the best dancers and musicians find it difficult to find the beat at the start of their journey. However, with constant practice and dedication, one can find the right beat to make the performance flawless. However, do not forget we are human and not robots or a computer programme to be perfect always! Imperfection is what makes us perfect, so if you are a bit off-beat, do not be discouraged; practice and hit the bull's eye on the tala and matras!

Want to learn Indian Classical Music and Dance or improve the already known and forgotten talent? Contact us now at Antara and learn from the best!

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